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Game Article, Track & Field | March 11, 2017

CL Hawks Run-a-way with Bandera Relays as Junior Varsity & Varsity Take First


Junior Lester Boehm scores 19 points with a 1st in 200 meter dash

Canyon Lake ran away with the Bandera Bulldog Relays last Wednesday as the Hawk Junior Varsity and Varsity held off Medina Valley for the sweep.

The McDonough brothers (Heath & Caimen) finished ahead of 4 of the varsity schools with a combined 46 points coming from that household.

Lester Boehm and Heath McDonough both finished first in an event as Boehm finished ahead in the 200 meter dash and McDonough had the best high jump with a 6’2 height.

CL’s 4×400 relay team of Colton McDonald, Chance Martelli, Heath McDonough, and Boehm won with a time of 3:31.51 as Canyon Lake continues to whittle down their times as the season rounds the 150 yard marker spot for this season.

Canyon Lake had another meet with two of their compadre’s in District 28-4A as Bandera and Hondo finished behind the Hawks for the second week in a row.

The Hawks scored 35 points in the dash events as they continued to show strength in the the 200 and 400 dashes.

CL’s Relays were also strong with 42 points while the field events finished with 55 points and 19 of those tallies being totaled up after the High Jump event was closed out.

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Brandon Courtney continues his road to recovery and his absents had the hurdle events bringing in 14 of Canyon Lake’s final points.

The Junior Varsity had another strong showing finishing first with 170 points to lead the field.

Trenton Lorett (27) and Cody Kline (21) finished with over 20 points to lead the individual scoring in Bandera.

Lorett scored in all 5 events entered last Wednesday with 2nd place finishes in 3 of those entered and a 1st in the 4×200 meter relay team.

Bradley Hight finishes 1st in the Discus throw (116-02.25) and was joined by Zach Covington and Josh Almond scoring a 1st & 2nd consecutively with the Shot Put.

The Hawk JV squad only had one event that the Bandera volunteers did not need an adding machine to garner points as this was a well rounded and deep run for Canyon Lake’s JV squad.


                            Events                           Points
              Dash:    (100-200-400)                           32
              Run :    (800-1600-3200)                         22
              Hurdles: (110-300)                               17
              Field:   (high jump-triple jump-long jump        44
                       shot-put, discus, pole vault)
              Relays:  (100-200-400)                           56

Jaren Marmolejo had a first in the 3200 meter run which had never happened in CL history as the distance runs start

Lucky’s Bar & Grill says Great Year Hawks!!

to wake up and scoring multiple points can only add that much needed depth to overtake a Fredericksburg Billie team in future meets.

The Hawks won the 200 and 400 meter relays and finished 2nd in their relay team on the 100 meter event.

Cody Kline, Seth Titzman, Tristan Chacon, and Paul Martinez teamed up for the 400 relay and Lorett, Landry Moore, Jacob Ruff, and Chacon exchanged the baton for a win in the Hawks run-a-way victory.

Nine athletes had 10 or more points which helped pile on the points as the Tracksters will now take their Spring Break off and then return to the cinders on March 23rd at the Wimberley Texans Relays.


                                Bandera Bulldog HS Relays

              Junior Varsity                            Varsity
              CL Hawks              171                 CL Hawks            146
              Medina Valley         152                 Medina Valley       142
              Lytle                  84                 Cole                119
              Hondo                  61                 Lytle                64
              Medina Valley Orange   48                 Bandera              53
              San Marcos Academy     28                 Hondo                45
              Bandera                26                 SA Christian         32
              Cole                   23                 San Marcos Academy   15
              The Winston            20                 SA Lutheran           4
              SA Lutheran             6                 The Winston           0

                                   Individual Hawk Scorers

              Junior Varsity                            Varsity
              Trenton Lorett         27                 Caimen McDonough     26
              Cody Kline             21                 Heath McDonough      23
              Jaren Marmolejo        18                 Lester Boehm         19
              Landry Moore           17                 Tanner Faris         18
              Tristan Chacon         14                 Chance Martelli      13
              Seth Titzman           13                 Colton McDonald      11
              Paul Martinez          11                 Jacob Foster         10
              Zach Covington         10                 Joseph Crisp          8
              Brad Hight             10                 Conner Rose           7
              Jacob Ruff              9                 Joseph Ruiz           6
              Josh Almond             8                 Gerrit Wilkins        4
              Jacob Christiansen      4                 Charlie McIntosh      2
              Robert Beam             4                 Kenneth Jowers        2
              Braden Duke             2
              Floris Georgi           2
              Bryce Vincent           1


              100 meter dash         result   place    100 meter dash        result   place
              Trenton Lorett          11.63    2nd     Conner Rose            11.40    6th
              Paul Martinez           11.78    4th
              Floris Georgi           11.83    5th     200 meter dash
                                                       Lester Boehm           23.45    1st
              200 meter dash                           Tanner Faris           24.00    3rd
              Landry Moore            24.40    2nd     Joseph Ruiz            24.15    4th
              Paul Martinez           24.60    5th
              Caleb Almond            25.44            400 meter dash
                                                       Chance Martelli        53.71    2nd
              400 meter dash                           Colton McDonald        53.77    3rd
              Seth Titzman            55.21    2nd     Kenny Jowers           55.90
              Floris Goergi           57.34
              Michael Harwell         58.61            110 meter hurdles
                                                       Caimen McDonough       16.45    3rd
              800 meter run                            Gerrit Wilkins         16.66    4th
              Jacob Christiansen    2:18.70    4th
                                                       300 meter hurdles
              1600 meter run                           Caimen McDonough       43.89    4th
              Jaren Marmolejo       5:08.00    2nd     Gerrit Wilkins         45.26
              Jacob Christiansen    5:18.00            Charlie McIntosh       47.40

              3200 meter run                           long jump
              Jaren Marmolejo      11:06.78    1st     Tanner Faris        19-05.50    3rd

              100 meter hurdles                        triple jump
              Cody Kline              17.73    2nd     Caimen McDonough    40-07.00    2nd
              Bryce Vincent           20.15            Heath McDonough     39-11.50    4th

              300 meter hurdles                        shot put
              Cody Kline              44.98    2nd     Jacob Foster        40-07.50    4th
              Bryce Vincent           47.69    6th     Ross Snowden        37-02.00

              long jump                                discus
              Trenton Lorett       18-05.00    2nd     Joseph Crisp       122-10.25    2nd
                                                       Jacob Foster       120-01.00    3rd
              triple jump
              Trenton Lorett       36-11.00    5th     high jump
                                                       Heath McDonough         6-02    1st
              shot put                                 Caimen McDonough        6-00    2nd
              Zach Covington       37-11.00    1st     Charlie McIntosh        5-08    5th
              Josh Almond          37.08.50    2nd
                                                       4x100 meter relay      45.10    4th
              discus                                   Tanner Faris           Kenny Jowers
              Bradley Hight       116-02.25    1st     Joseph Ruiz            Conner Rose

              pole vault                               4x200 meter relay 1:32.99 2nd
              Robert Beam           9-06.00    4th     Tanner Faris           Lester Boehm
              Braden Duke           9-06.00    5th     Heath McDonough        Conner Rose

              100 meter relay         46.19    2nd     4x400 meter relay 3:31.51 1st
              Jacob Ruff              Landry Moore     Lester Boehm           Heath McDonough
              Trenton Lorett          Tristan Chacon   Colton McDonald        Chance Martelli

              200 meter relay 1:36.59 1st
              Jacob Ruff              Landry Moore
              Trenton Lorett          Tristan Chacon

              400 meter relay 3:43.05 1st
              Cody Kline              Seth Titzman
              Tristan Chacon          Paul Martinez