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Softball, Sport News | March 12, 2017

CL Hawks Softball: District 28-4A is Next

Marley Carrizales readies for district play next.

Canyon Lake’s Softball team fizzled out in their last tournament, played in San Marcos, as their first day of competition was their last day of play.

Those first round games were allotted a 55 minute time limit which had those contests being decided on some occasions with players in the line-up having just one trip to the plate.

The result of those contests will not be wins or losses since there would not be enough innings to qualify for an official game.

Case and point was Canyon Lake’s win over Fredericksburg. A win but not really as both teams were only a run apart when time was called and the Hawks coming to the plate in the bottom of the 3rd inning.

It would remind you of having your hair washed and then the hair stylist sending you outside because too much time elapsed. Not a pretty sight to say the least.

Now the Hawks will have their next battle against a district opponent and with several days going by without competition.

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That next game will be at home with Boerne on Tuesday, March 21st. Twelve days without a contest to be exact, which is a long time to be absent from playing games.

Canyon Lake did have a successful pre-district set of games.

Now the big question will arise for the Hawks as they have had a tendency to fold as district season starts up.

So what might happen this year when district starts?

CL has gone since the 2011 season when they accomplished a 2nd place finish having a team being introduced into a playoff format.

Missy Romero was a Junior when that event had the curtain rise for a part of the year that all athletes dream of…..playoffs.

Canyon Lake has had a tendency of having their bats going silent this year, when an opponent has a decent player in their circle.

But that can be remedied with two items that would help this group of ladies make those T-Shirt companies happy

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when the Hawks call to order those playoff shirts.

Defense and base-running are two parts of the game that have not been as smooth as you would like.

Defense turned out to be a huge hurdle with last year’s team. They never achieved consistency which will many times translate to wins. Way too many errors, last year, and that allowed opponents to take advantage.

Innings would take longer and a Hawk pitcher would need to face more batters. That fact was realized in the number of runs that were classified as, unearned.

Canyon Lake will need to improve their base running as the past few games the base paths have amassed too may outs. If the opponents pitching gets better in district then having outs on the bases will kill many innings.

During one game last week in San Marcos, the team CL was playing only needed to get 2 outs for two innings of work as the Hawks had baserunners becoming outs and helping their opponent’s pitcher.

The Hawks have certainly shown potential with some good play with all the parts of their game. What will help is having Canyon Lake becoming consistent with those good plays from the batter’s box, to the bases and then to their fielding.

Go Hawks!!


                                       CL Hawks Best 3

 at bats                         runs                          hits
 Maddy Puente           37       Carley Dubois          17     Marley Carrizales     17
 Marley Carrizales      35       Bailey Bryan           17     Carley Dubois         16
 Bailey Bryan           34       Marley Carrizales      16     Maggie Banks          13
                                                               Bailey Bryan          13
                                                               Maddy Puente          13

 rbi’s                           extra base hits               walks
 Bailey Bryan           16       Maddy Puente            6     Kat Weber             10
 Maddy Puente           12       Bailey Bryan            5     Bailey Bryan          10
 Kat Weber               9       Carley Dubois           4     Carley Dubois          8
                                 Kat Weber               4     Marley Carrizales      8

 stolen bases                    batting average               slugging percentage
 Carley Dubois          11       Carley Dubois        .533     Carley Dubois       .667
 Marley Carrizales       7       Marley Carrizales    .486     Maddy Puente        .622
 Bailey Bryan            7       Maggie Banks         .419     Bailey Bryan        .618

 innings pitched                 strikeouts                    earned run average
 Lauren Mentzer       49.1       Lauren Mentzer         64     Maggie Banks        1.91
 Maggie Banks         11.0       Maddy Puente           12     Maddy Puente        2.06
 Maddy Puente         10.2       Maggie Banks           10     Lauren Mentzer      3.28