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Game Article, Volleyball | October 22, 2014

Hawks Gobbled Up the Gobblers in Volleyball Action, Freshman-JV-Varsity All Win

Sophomore Regan Mickey with her patented tip shot

Sophomore Regan Mickey with her patented tip shot

Canyon Lake gobbled up the Gobblers from Cuero in Volleyball action, taking this contest in three sets, 25-17, 25-15, and 28-26.

“We started with more energy in this game,” Head Coach Kim Paisley said. “We did not do a pre game last week and we were not mentally ready, but tonight we did a good job and I don’t want them to get comfortable.”

The Hawks have accomplished many milestones this year but the major barrier now is solving the slump that hit this club after the Wimberley loss a couple of weeks ago.

This game with Cuero will help in seeing if CL can get on a run before the ‘Second’ season gets started.

Canyon Lake started the first set with Hannah Wunderlich being the main attraction with two kills to start the action.

“Teams have been concentrating on Bailey (Drum) and Addison (Farley) and so we were trying to spread the offense around,” Coach Paisley said.

“After the Wimberley game we were putting to much at stake and we knew we had to win tonight,” Wunderlich said wonderfully. “We need to keep staying strong as a team and stay together. Many of us have been playing together since the Seventh Grade and so we know how we need to communicate.”

Bailey Drum getting it done in win over Cuero

Bailey Drum getting it done in win over Cuero

Wunderlich was talking about helping each teammate out when they might not be on their game on any particular night of action.

“Yeah, I am pretty stubborn and I do try to pick myself up,” Hayley Melone said in response to how this team communicates when things might not be going well on the court. “That was not our game in our loss last week and we wanted to prove we are better than how we played in our last game.”

“If one girl is off then the everybody is off,” Wunderlich closed. “When we can get our energy going then it can pick us back up.”

The Hawks did make a statement with a lot of energy, as CL took the first five points and then Cuero answered with a mini three point run that helped pulled them back into contention.

With a 7-5 lead, Senior Lillie Sander then served up two aces and with another kill from Wunderlich and Addison Farley, Canyon Lake had extended their lead back to six points.

CL kept their distance for the remainder of this set and pulled away with a, 25-17 win.

In the second set, every Hawk player would have an opportunity to serve more than once as this game also played out with giving Cuero a hard time in trying to keep pace with these fast flying Hawks.

“As long as we are playing consistent and then this team can pick each other up in our games,” Melone finished.

Then that third set would be a marathon as the Gobbler’s would take the initial lead and extended their advantage up to three points on four occasions.

Canyon Lake reeled Cuero in when Hayley Melone would serve the Hawks to a 10 all tie.

From there neither team was able to get more than a two point lead. There was 11 ties and four lead changes.

CL finally broke that dam when they took the lead, 26-25 and after one more tie, they were able to finish by winning those last two points.

Cuero, Yoakum, and La Vernia are all bunched up with seven losses a piece going into their last two games, so a sense of urgency seemed to hit the Gobblers in that last game.

Tonight, Yoakum took one game from Navarro in their loss while La Vernia took the first two games with Wimberley before losing in five sets.

Canyon Lake will now have the Texans next on their schedule where a win would put your Hawks in second place with one game to play next Tuesday at the Hawk gym against La Vernia.

Tough games as this season comes to an end and the Hawks have a chance to get to a plateau never seen CL’s history….a 30 win season.

Congrats and Go Hawks!!!

 Leader Stats:
 Kills:   Bailey Drum   15, Addison Farley  10, Hannah Wunderlich  5
 Aces:    Lillie Sander  3
 Assists: Regan Mickey  34
 Blocks:  Bailey Drum    2
 Digs:    Hayley Melone 14

CLJV take two from Cuero, 25-11 and 25-11

Canyon Lake’s Junior Varsity Volleyball team has a chance of winning their first District title if they can take their next two games with Wimberley and La Vernia.

Libero Abby Freund taking it all in as CLJV get ready for two huge games to end their season

Libero Abby Freund taking it all in as CLJV get ready for two huge games to end their season

Those two teams will be two huge hurdles as the Hawks beat Wimberley in three games at home last month and La Vernia returned that same two games to one scenario to CL in their last game.

CL with just one loss in district play will then have a little more incentive as they enter into a realm not seen at Canyon Lake as this team also represents more years of instilling their talents with the Varsity for years to come.

The Hawks won both sets, 25-11 and were never really challenged by Cuero as each Hawk server was serving up aces and points like they were card sharks.

“The girls were having fun and they kept their energy and were playing to execute the whole game,” Head JV Coach Megan Helmey.

Abby Freund, the Libero, has been a constant player for this talented group of girls for this season that started with a team looking for anything that they could hang their hat on to now being a team with a chance with not only having a place to hang their hat but a finger to put a district ring around.

“We have come a long way and we just need to stay focused and be serious,” Freund started. “We played as a team and did not get down and just took care of business.”

On how she will take the next two games? “We can’t get comfortable and we just need to play our game.”

Pretty simple and to the point, which is a job for a Libero.

Canyon Lake’s Junior Varsity has been a team that exudes confidence on the court and that has been seen as this year has matured.

Going into these next two games, the Hawks will see how high they can soar and hopefully come back down only after this season is finished.