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Archive for the ‘Boys Basketball’ Category

CL Hawks Play at Full Strength in Win over Luling, 63-36

Wednesday, December 6th, 2017

Canyon Lake had all hands on deck with their win over the Luling Eagles on Tuesday night at the

Coach Chapman planning strategy in Hawk Victory

Hawk Nest, 63-36.

With the Hawk football team going further into the season would be a detriment for the basketball crew as those weeks practicing outside with an oblong ball would cramp those time needed to prepare for the game that requires a round ball.

Michael Harwell, Ben Fulton, and Andrew Nelson were wearing a different uniform that would help in securing this victory.


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, December 3rd, 2017

                  Canyon Lake dives into a December Football Contest. Way to Go Hawks!
(photo Karen Holmes)

                 This Week          @       Canyon Lake

Tuesday Dec 5    Luling Fresh       @       CL Hawks Freshman    5pm  Boys  Basketball
                 Luling JV          @       CLJV Hawks           5pm  Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks JV 2      @       Florence             5pm  Girls Basketball
                 Luling             @       CL Hawks             7pm  Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks           @       Florence            630p  Girls Basketball

Friday Dec 8     CL Hawks JV 1      @       SA Randolph          5pm  Girls Basketball
                 CL Hawks Tournament All-Day                          Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks           @       SA Randolph         630p  Girls Basketball

Saturday Dec 9   CL Hawks JV 1 & 2  @       Comfort           All Day Girls Basketball
                 Canyon Lake’s    Boys Tournament    All Day Basketball



This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, November 26th, 2017

Canyon Lake High School Middle Linebacker Greyson Lee (#8) pressures the Pleasanton High School quarterback.                (mjrphotog.com)

               This Week           @    Canyon Lake

Tue Nov. 28    Eagle Pass Winn Fr. @    CL Hawks JV 2      5pm  Girls Basketball
               Eagle Pass Winn JV  @    CL Hawks JV 1      5pm  Girls Basketball
               CL Hawks Freshman   @    Somerset           5pm  Boys  Basketball
               CL Hawks JV         @    Somerset           5pm  Boys  Basketball
               Eagle Pass Winn     @    CL Hawks           630p Girls Basketball
               CL Hawks            @    Somerset           630p Boys  Basketball

Thu Nov 30     CL Hawks            vs.  Stony Point        430p Girls Basketball
               Canyon/New Braunfels Classic                Games @ NBHS
               CL Hawks Fr & JV    vs.  Burnet Tournament  TBA Boys  Basketball

Fri. Dec 1     CL Hawks            vs.  Lose 1st Game     1200N Girls Basketball
                                        Win  1st Game      130p Girls Basketball
               Canyon/NB Classic                           Games @ NBHS
               CL Hawks            vs.  Marion            1200n Boys  Basketball
               CL Hawks            vs.  Somerset           130p Boys  Basketball
                                        Marion Tournament
              *Waco La Vega        vs.  CL Hawks           730p       Football
                                        Kelly Reeves Stadium in Round Rock

Sat. Dec 2     CL Hawks            @    Burnet            All-Day     Swimming
                                        4A & Under Invitational Burnet YMCA
               CL Hawks            @    NBHS               TBD  Girls Basketball
               CL Hawks            vs.  Wimberley          315p Boys  Basketball
               CL Hawks            vs.  Devine             615p Boys  Basketball

              *CLB will Broadcast this contest go to the Resporter Link.



CL Hawks Put Yellowjackets in a Straight Jacket in Win, 59-39

Thursday, November 23rd, 2017

Canyon Lake took the lead for good with 1:50 on the 1st quarter clock for a 20 point win over Llano, 59-39.

“We started off slow,” Head Coach Lucas Chapman stated. “We looked tired coming out in the first half but we continued to play hard and then we found lots of energy as the game progressed.”


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, November 19th, 2017

Hawks will be storming the field, when they battle Pleasanton this Friday!               (photo by Karen Holmes)

                This Week          @     Canyon Lake

Nov 20 Mon    Somerset Fresh       @     CL Hawks JV 2       5pm  Girls  Basketball
              Somerset JV          @     CL Hawks JV 1       5pm  Girls  Basketball
              CL Freshman          @     Fox Tech Fresh      5pm  Boys   Basketball
              CL Hawks JV          @     Fox Tech JV         615p Boys   Basketball
              Somerset             @     CL Hawks            630p Girls  Basketball
              CL Hawks             @     Fox Tech            730p Boys   Basketball

Nov 21 Tue    Boerne Champion      @     CL Hawks JV 2       10am Girls  Basketball
              Boerne Champion JV   @     CL Hawks JV 1       10am Girls  Basketball
              Boerne Champion      @     CL Hawks          11:15p Girls  Basketball
              Llano Freshman       @     CL Hawks Fresh       2pm Boys   Basketball
              Llano JV             @     CL Hawks JV          2pm Boys   Basketball
              Llano                @     CL Hawks            330p Boys   Basketball

Nov 23 Thu                     Happy Thanksgiving

Nov 24 Fri   *CL Hawks            vs.    Pleasanton         7:30p        Football
              Area Playoff               Gustafson Stadium San Antonio
             *CLB will be 'On the Air' this Friday and come to The Resporter for 
              getting your link if you will not be able to make game. 


This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, November 12th, 2017

Canyon Lake High School Linebacker Nathan deLeon (#56) and Defensive End Clay Weber (#52) pursue the Taylor High School running back.  A District Champion JV squad chases and caught a Duck!!    (mjrphotog.com)

                  This Week          @    Canyon Lake

Tue Nov 14        CL Hawks Fresh     @    Lampasas        515p  Boys  Basketball
                  Wimberley Fresh    @    CLJV 1          530p  Girls Basketball
                  Wimberley JV       @    CLJV 2          530p  Girls Basketball
                  CL Hawks JV        @    Lampasas        630p  Boys  Basketball
                  Wimberley          @    CL Hawks        700p  Girls Basketball
                  CL Hawks           @    Lampasas        745p  Boys  Basketball

Thu Nov 16        CLHS               @    Austin Crockett  TBA  Girls Basketball

Fri Nov 17        CLHS                @    Austin Crockett  TBA Girls  Baskeball
                 *Gatesville          @    CL Hawks        730p        Football
                  Bi-District Gupton Stadium, Cedar Park
                  CL Hawks            @    Burnet          All Day     Swimming
                  5A & Under TISCA Invitational

Sat Nov 18        CL Hawks            @    Austin Crockett TBA   Girls Basketball
                  CL Hawks            @ Burnet All Day Swimming
                  5A & Under TISCA Invitational

         *Game to be Broadcast via CLBroadcasting (Link to connect on this site)



This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, November 5th, 2017

Hawk Defense will need to have a big game when they go to battle with the Ducks this Friday.   (photo by Karen Holmes)

              This Week        @      Canyon Lake

 Mon Nov 6    CL Hawks         @      Blanco          630p  Boys  Basketball

 Tue Nov 7    CL Hawks JV 1    @      Lehman          530p  Girls Basketball
              CL Hawks JV 2    @      Lehman          530p  Girls Basketball
              CL Hawks Varsity @      Lehman          700p  Girls Basketball

 Thu Nov 9    Taylor JV        @      CL Hawks JV     7pm         Football
              CL Hawks Fresh   @      Taylor          6pm         Football

 Fri Nov 10   Johnson City     @      CL Hawks        5pm   Girls Basketball
             *CL Hawks         @      Taylor          730p        Football

 Sat Nov 11   CL Hawks JV      @      Veterans Mem    10am  Boys  Basketball
              CL Hawks         @      Veterans Mem   1130a  Boys  Basketball

 * Game Broadcast on CLB starting with Pre/Game 6:15p and 7:30p Game Time



CL Hawks Boy’s Basketball Looms Start with Alumni Game this Saturday

Thursday, November 2nd, 2017


     Zach Talliaferro looks to start fast when the Hawks start Basketball this week.

Boys What CL Lost & What they have Coming Back
Basketball:    Points Lost:  1,310     Coming Back points: 278
Key Losses: Rory Preiss, Heath McDonough, Gerrit Wilkins, Ryner Martin, Tyler Williams, Jacob Ramirez
Key Returners: Joseph Boyd, Jarred Rollins, Parker Mott

How the JV Team performed: Had a successful season will have several players that will have a chance of absorbing a lot of minutes lost with the talented Senior Class.


Coaches Corner with Boys Basketball’s Lucas Chapman

Wednesday, November 1st, 2017

Coach Chapman planning strategy in Hawk Victory

The ReSporter: How many new guys are around that were not here last year that will help fill out your roster?

Coach Chapman: “This one’s easy…zero. Well at least at the varsity level. We do have three sophomore move-ins that will help the JV out tremendously though.”

The ReSporter: With the type of team you are looking at, how will that dictate your offense and defense for this year?

Coach Chapman: “We are going to be even bigger than we were last year, and we will use that to our advantage.”

This Week @ Canyon Lake

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

                                      Jr. Riley Mickey on target in win over Hondo.                       (photo by Karen Holmes)

                        This Week        @     Canyon Lake

 Tue Oct 31           *Wimberley          vs.    CL Hawks            7pm         Volleyball
                 Bi-District Canyon High School

 Fri. Nov 3            SA Brooks           @     CL Hawks JV 1/JV 2  5pm  Girls  Basketball
                       SA Brooks           @     CL Hawks         6:30pm  Girls  Basketball
 Sat. Nov 4            Green/White Alumni  @     CL Hawks            9am  Boys   Basketball
                                                 Scrimmage          10am  Boys   Basketball
    * If Hawks win game Tuesday then Area Game will be played on Thursday/Friday

