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Present Beats Past in Alumni Hawk Volleyball Game

Thursday, August 7th, 2014

Present Beats Past in Canyon Lake Volleyball, 2-1 as the Alumni rallied

Alumni will be sore tomorrow as they put on a good show against the Hawk Varsity

Alumni will be sore tomorrow as they put on a good show against the Hawk Varsity

from a 18-8 deficit to make it an interesting finish to lose 25-23 final score.

The Past had some height and this Present team had to do some digs to keep the game out of reach for those Past players.

Present team one the first match with a little resistance, but as that second game got going, the Past hit their stride and won in overtime, 26-24.

Coach Kim Paisley will be fielding her second team at Canyon Lake and one thing should be apparent, this team will be one year older.

There were not many Seniors on last year’s squad and with a freshman playing and a few sophomores, CL could not count on having experience to help answer some shortcomings in last year’s season.

“They have come a long way,” Head Coach Paisley said when asked about how the younger players had progressed since the end of last season. “This group has always been competitive and they have kind of grown into themselves. During the off-season I started seeing it.”


Bracken Warriors Prepare for the 2014 Season

Wednesday, August 6th, 2014
Warriors taking a break during practice.

Warriors taking a break during practice.

Fall football practice has begun and that long wait now becomes shorter as Bracken Christian began practice this past Monday.

“This year our second day of practice was better than our first day,” Head Coach Lloyd Fields said. “Many times your second day is a fall off and this is the best second day of practice in a while for Bracken.”

Six-Man football has critical dates and one of those times is that first day when Coaches can see if enough boys will show up in order to see they will have enough players for a team.

Yes, there was some Junior no shows that were present for Spring practice 3 months ago, but luckily, BCS also had some new faces also in attendance.

“We have a lot of young kids doing a lot of learning,” Coach Fields continued. “But we have some players like our wide receiver (Freshman Christian DeLeon) looking like our next RJ Braune.”

Braune still holds the single season best for receiving yardage in Coach Fields first year at BCS.

Braune would be top in more of those receiving stats, but in those first two years there were no stats documented. Simple math would tell you Braun would hold almost all of the receiving marks if those stats were known.


Kaelin Simmons Continues to Excel in Sports

Monday, May 26th, 2014

The ReSporter has a hard time catching up with previous Hawk students that had played a sport for Canyon Lake.

Islander Freshman Kaelin Simmons throwing the discus

Islander Freshman Kaelin Simmons throwing the discus

Each year there is 2-4 students that have decided to take there trade to College and continue their passion of sports.

Last season CL had a student that did not get offers for continuing her college days in competition for sports but as it turned out has found herself throwing a lot of baggage in the form of a Discus and Shot Put.

This past Track and Field season Kaelin Simmons had a Shot Put heave for 42′ 0.75″ and Discus throw that traveled 129′ 10″.

“I made my mind up the first week of summer,” Simmons said in response of when she had decided to go for trying out for track with Corpus Christi A&M. “I had to wait three months to hear if they (Corpus Christi) would have enough spots and if they might cut some girls.”


Brianna ‘The Wall’ Young Signs with Frank Phillips College

Wednesday, April 30th, 2014
Brianna Young signing to play with Frank Phillips College next year.

Brianna Young signing to play with Frank Phillips College next year.

Brianna (The Wall) Young will start building a new ‘wall’ in Borger, Texas as she signed a scholarship for Frank Phillips College Plainsman in Softball.

Young did not play young as she immediately brought a replacement at catcher when Katy Payne graduated.

Canyon Lake will now be looking for their third catcher this next season.

Young was nicknamed The Wall by her teammates as she had a way of blocking the plate and looking at the carnage as she trotted back to the dugout after recording an out.

“I’m excited,” Young started when asked about signing on the dotted line. “I just want to work and play hard to find anyway to play next year.”


Amber Ramsey Signs to Attend Our Lady of the Lakes

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014
From Left to Right, Head Basketball Coach MaryBeth Gallagher, Head Volleyball Coach Mark Lee (OLLU), Amber Ramsey, and Head Volleyball Coach Kim Paisley

From Left to Right, Head Basketball Coach MaryBeth Gallagher, Head Volleyball Coach Mark Lee (OLLU), Amber Ramsey, and Head Volleyball Coach Kim Paisley

Amber Ramsey will be taking her talents to Our Lady of the Lake University to play Volleyball as she signed on the dotted line Wednesday afternoon in the Hawk Gym.

This was a first on many fronts for Canyon Lake as this was the first signing in the afternoon, but more impressive, was Head Coach Mark Lee for OLLU was in attendance for this occasion.

Two things that has not happened until this day, showing how important a student and player Ramsey was and will become.

Ramsey has been around for what seems to be ages as she showcased her skills as a Freshman through her Senior year for the Hawks.

Her height allowed her to show off her play at the net for her career and now that talent will be on display in San Antonio next year.


CL Hawks Softball is just around the Corner

Monday, April 21st, 2014

That phrase will be here before you know it as Hawk fans will have some sweet

Sophomores Alexis Robinson and Cameron Berger will be seasoned veterans next year as Juniors

Sophomores Alexis Robinson and Cameron Berger will be seasoned veterans next year as Juniors

dreams while waiting for that first pitch next February, 2015.

Hitting was certainly in good form this season as CL decided to restitch some new covers for those Softballs.

Homeruns were certainly a site that has now been seen enough times to verify that the long ball can be hit with some degree of authority at the Hawk Diamond.

Nine homers this season that had 10 triples and 25 doubles coming along as traveling companions.


Hawks Softball Now and Future

Tuesday, April 15th, 2014

Canyon Lake Softball season will be officially over after this Thursday’s game

Kelsey Ahrens will be returning for another year.

Kelsey Ahrens will be returning for another year.

with Navarro.

Since there are not any team goals to be railroaded, then The ReSporter wanted to share some marks by some players that will put them in the ‘All-Time’ ranks with other Hawk players.

For instance, Brianna Young needs four hits to tie and five to place 2nd in All-Time hits. Young is four hits shy of Missy Romero’s 90 for her career.

Young will only add to her already first place in runs batted in as she stands at 73 with two more games and an already 18 rbi lead over Romero’s 55.

Young is also in the hunt for all time walks, needing 4 more to pass, yes, you heard her name before, Romero’s 55 for her career.

If Young has decent games in her last two contests then she could also replace McKenna Beseda’s .457 batting average. Young presently stands at .461 and will need to stay hot to keep that record in place.


Track & Field Stories

Monday, April 14th, 2014

Track & Field Stories

There are many stories in this sport based on having individuals performing for a team but

Austin Kahill making a heave with the Discus

Austin Kahill making a heave with the Discus

knowing how they perform really just rests on how they prepare themselves.

Yes, those relay events would certainly be the closest to where a team atmosphere is present but for the most part this sport is based on how individuals do in order to help the team win.

Junior Shane Relkin is one student that will be performing after he surprised many people when he uncorked a jump that was good enough to win district.

Relkin had broken the 20 foot mark earlier this year and had the potential to win, but overall this district field could of been several athletes.

“I got my best mark on the very last jump,” Relkin stated. “All my jumps before that one were horrible and I almost did not make the finals.”

In the Long Jump, athletes perform jumps in order to make that final field of participants to compete and will be given another set of jumps after weeding out those that were not as good.


Tanner McGill has been Biding His Time

Sunday, February 16th, 2014

Biding His Time

Tanner McGill has been seen throughout this school year and with little to show for his presence.

Sophomore Tanner McGill

Sophomore Tanner McGill

McGill was a transfer this year and yet his paperwork with the UIL has taken until now for getting clearance to play Varsity sports.

“Finally,” McGill said. “I’m happy it is finally over but sad that it took this long…but the wait was worth it. Now I can start work and try to help the baseball team.”

McGill has a Sophomore classification, but in football he would of been the back up quarterback until he was relegated to Junior Varsity this past season.


Bracken Christian All District Football Team

Monday, December 9th, 2013

All-District Team

 First Team                                   Second Team
 Name                Position                 Name                Position
 Jeff Camp           Receiver                 Jeff Camp           Defensive Line
 John Colby          Linebacker               Jeff Camp           Punter
 Davis Scott         Defensive Line           John Colby          Offensive Line
 Sam Hilgendorf      Defensive Back           Cory Zunker         Defensive Back
 Noah Boriack        Running Back             Davis Scott         Center
 Preston Koch        Fullback
 Honorable Mention
 Sam Hilgendorf      Quarterback              Mason Anthony       Defensive Back
 Daniel Forgione     Running Back

Coach Lloyd Fields fielded his thoughts on each player:

Jeff Camp: “We knew nothing about Jeff back in August when we got out our pads and he was big for us and our

Sam Hilgendorf  First Team Defensive Back

Sam Hilgendorf First Team Defensive Back


John Colby: “John did a great job at linebacker as he had to replace an all everything player (Eli Achilles), he stepped into the job and handled it well.”

Davis Scott: “This was Davis’ third year and he was the ultimate team player as he changed positions five times and never complained…he did whatever was asked of him.”

Noah Boriack: “Boriack was our offense…these are units and this was the best offensive line we have had at BCS in the past six years…but Noah was a warrior and gave his all for the team. He could of been a first team defensive player for us, but he was too valuable for us on offense to play defense enough to get that award.”

Preston Koch: “Preston had a good career at Bracken and was the only starter that played on our State Championship Team three years ago from this group of Seniors.”

Coy Zunker Second Team Defensive Back

Coy Zunker Second Team Defensive Back

Sam Hilgendorf: “He was a competitor and team was always first and me second. Sam was the kind of guy you had to have to have a successful football team.”

Coy Zunker: “He would of made first team if it were not for his injury. Coy helped and played with a bad knee after the start of the year.”

Daniel Forgione: “Daniel is a guy who will get better and better, this year was his starting point.”

Mason Anthony: “Mason came in last year after losing several players to injury and he was a trooper when we needed him.”