The ReSporter will be running several articles through the month of May on

Amber Ramsey during her Sophomore campaign
1. The all-time student athlete in that sport from a performance stand point. Do note that this would be just an opinion from the ReSporter Staff.
2. A spotlight player that The ReSporter thinks will be the athlete to watch as this next year will unfold.
This series will start with Fall Sports.
Please also note that The ReSporter does not have an opportunity to see every sport and will not have an article if that is the case.
Certainly comment on the articles and give us your opinion on other students or the ones talked about in each segment.
The ReSporter will only allow positive inputs as this will be the only type of conversation needed.
Volleyball will be The ReSporter’s first go of previewing next year’s teams.
The Hawk Volleyball team has had two years of playoffs and this is also where The ReSporter thinks you could pick that special all-time player.
Michelle Roberts, Ashley Biering, Alyssa Drum, and Jessica Watson were all part of those first team rosters and all could very well be that one person that had the most influence for Canyon Lake’s teams.