Special Time for Special Team
Wimberley week will always be a little different than other schools for Canyon Lake.
Why? Distance, The ReSporter would only travel an extra five miles in going to Wimberley high school versus Hawk Country.
Wimberley has also taken Canyon Lake’s lunch money the past four years, leaving the Hawks without anything to eat for lunch. (They are our bully…)
Could this be the year for Canyon Lake to kick sand into the Texans face? Possibly, now all CL needs to find out is if Wimberley will come back and does CL have the fortitude to stand up to Wimberley’s advances and land some punches.
“Wimberley is the third game of our five round heavy weight fight,” Head Coach Charley Drum said. “The stakes get higher with each game.”
Well, when schedules were drawn up for this two year alignment, District 27-3A moved games around and so this year it so happens to be a couple of 2-0 teams playing.
Not odd for Wimberley to be undefeated in district, but this will be just the first time CL has had a 2-0 district record when facing the Texans. The Hawks have faced Wimberley four out of five years with an unblemished mark going into a game with our ‘Devil’s Backbone’ counterpart.