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Lake All-Time Baseball Stats

Tuesday, February 25th, 2025

John Gulley has garnered 4 saves this season the most in Hawk history.
photo by Dan Reed Photography https://www.danreedphotography.com)


As this season begins, The ReSporter, would like to share those Top Ten All-Time Stats for these young men. The team has already garnered 3 wins as they prepare for a tournament at Southwest this Thursday.

Last week’s Sinton Tourney was able to get just one game in due to weather.

Good luck for this year’s athletes and Let’s GO LAKE!



At Bats
Hunter Anderson     373
Chase Anderson      353
Tanner Schultz      343
Griffen Williams    323
Travis Walker       322
Caleb Williams      318
Ty Sellers          306
Tyler Pauly         281
Cody Powell         245
Michael Brady       239

Hunter Anderson      91
Chase Anderson       68
Travis Walker        65
Ty Sellers           57
Caleb Williams       54
James LaLonde        54
Jeremy Greene        46
Griffen Williams     44
Garrett Winters      44
Tyler Pauly          44

Chase Anderson      122
Hunter Anderson     112
Griffen Williams    104
Tanner Schultz       82
Travis Walker        80
Caleb Williams       77
Tyler Pauly          75
Brandon Robinson     72
Ty Sellers           68
Michael Brady        67

Griffen Williams    126
Tyler Pauly          61
Chase Anderson       55
Tanner Schultz       53
Hunter Anderson      49
Ty Sellers           48
Travis Walker        44
Caleb Williams       44
Logan Felch          42
Brandon Robinson     40

Tyler Pauly          63
Hunter Anderson      55
Matt Anderson        54
Griffen Williams     51
Michael Brady        48
Chase Anderson       48
Travis Walker        38
Caleb Williams       38
Daulton Winters      37
Brayden Welch        34

Daniel Camarillo     29
Hunter Anderson      25
Caleb Williams       23
Joe Shone            23
Tyler Pauly          23
James LaLonde        20
Jeremy Greene        20
Mason Lee            16
Chase Anderson       16
Brandon Robinson     15

Griffen Williams     21
Travis Walker        19
Hunter Anderson      19
Chase Anderson       17
Hayden Baker         17
Tanner Schultz       17
Tyler Pauly          17
Corey Shedrock       16
Logan Felch          14
Michael Brady        13

Kyler Huff            6
Hunter Anderson       5
Caleb Williams        4
Ty Sellers            4
Cody Powell           3
Gavin Dietrich        3
Daniel Camarillo      3
Tyler Pauly           3
9 Tied with           2

Griffen Williams     27
Carter Williams      10
Travis Walker         6
Logan Felch           6
Jeremy Greene         4
Cody Breest           4
Nick Cahill           4
Joe Shone             4
Ty Sellers            3
Brandon Robinson      3
Tanner Schultz        3

Tanner Schultz       21
Matt Anderson        15
Ethan Slater         13
Brandon Robinson     12
CJ Parrish           12
Griffen Williams     12
Jeremy Greene        12
Tanner Schultz       10
Ty Sellers           10

(100 or more Plate Appearances)
Matthew McLain     .421
Griffen Williams   .402
Chase Anderson     .401
Brandon Robinson   .398
Michael Brady      .364
Hunter Anderson    .362
Nick Cahill        .354
Tyler Pauly        .344
Ross Wagliardo     .339
Zach Jenkins       .336

Matthew McLain     .581
Griffen Williams   .519
Michael Brady      .510
Brandon Robinson   .505
Tyler Pauly        .498
Chase Anderson     .490
Matt Anderson      .489
Tyler Pauly        .481
Jeff Nabors        .475
Zach Jenkins       .472

Griffen Williams   .811
Carter Williams    .548
Matthew McLain     .539
Brandon Robinson   .519
Joe Shone          .505
Tyler Pauly        .493
Nick Cahill        .485
Chase Anderson     .480
Hunter Anderson    .466
Ross Wagliardo     .446
Michael Brady      .446


Tanner Schultz    224.0
Luke Roskin       170.2
Tyler Pauly       149.1
Avery Montgomery  142.0
Griffen Williams  138.2
Cody Powell       114.1
Hunter Anderson   110.0
Matt Anderson      99.0
Ross Wagliardo     96.1
Logan Felch        93.2

EARNED RUN AVERAGE (35 or more innings)
Peyton McMullen    1.44
Tyler Pauly        1.71
Luke Roskin        1.89
Hunter Anderson    2.02
Tanner Schultz     2.38
Cody Breest        2.48
Griffen Williams   2.76
Zach Jenkins       3.03
Cale Claycomb      3.17
Cody Powell        3.62

Tanner Schultz       29
Luke Roskin          20
Tyler Pauly          18
Hunter Anderson      15
Cody Breest          11
Griffen Williams      9
Avery Montgomery      8
Cody Powell           7
Matt Anderson         6
Ross Wagliardo        5
Cale Claycomb         5
Zach Jenkins          5
Hayden Baker          5

Tanner Schultz      226
Luke Roskin         220
Tyler Pauly         190
Griffen Williams    143
Cody Powell         128
Hunter Anderson     111
Ross Wagliardo      109
Avery Montgomery    108
Cale Claycomb       105
Matt Anderson        89

John Gulley           4
Luke Roskin           4
Kyler Huff            3
Hunter Anderson       3
Peyton McMullen       3
Griffen Williams      3
Cale Claycomb         2
Cody Breest           2
Ross Wagliardo        2
Drew Tyra             2
Matt Anderson         2
Carter Williams       2

Hawk’s Ladies Season Recap & All-Time Season/Career Stats

Monday, February 24th, 2025

             Senior Reece Coburn finished her career on many of the All-Time categories below. Way to GO LAKE!!


The ReSporter caught up with Coach Lauren Perez as she shared this past season and looking to the future.


Coach Monte Cole Finish Season & All-Time Season/Career Top 10

Saturday, February 22nd, 2025

Jaxson Jeter reached Tyler Pauly for 1st Place on the All-Time Assist List finishing with 214! Go Lake!
(photo by Dan Reed Photography https://www.danreedphotography.com)


Canyon Lake cleared a hurdle with their Boys Basketball team this season when a playoff was achieved in Head Coach Monte Cole’s third season.


What’s in Store for Football with Stats & Coach Parker’s Thoughts

Friday, January 3rd, 2025


Canyon Lake’s Fall Sports came to a close when The Lake was ousted from their 2nd round of play-offs against Bay City in November, but this season was not without some exciting moments.


Boy’s Basketball All-Time & Season Stat Leaders

Monday, November 18th, 2024

Jaxson Jeter as a Sophomore has been moving up on several all-time charts entering his Senior season.
(photo by Dan Reed Photography https://www.danreedphotography.com)

Career                   TOTAL POINTS     Season             #   Yr
Parker Mott      929                      Rico Griffin     466   20
Mario Aguilar    818                      Parker Mott      443   18
Rico Griffin     794                      Mario Aguilar    413   24
Rory Preiss      760                      Paker Mott       412   19
Andrew Riali     594                      Caleb Kreiger    406   13
Matt Magness     555                      Rory Preiss      406   17
Carter Williams  543                      Mario Aguilar    405   22
Brandon Wark     498                      Sam Schimank     391   19
Sam Schimank     409                      Christian Pena   384   10
Stuart Lowry     407                      Colton Winters   368   21
Caleb Kreiger    406                      Tanner Jones     352   10

Jaxson Jeter     358 
Jacob Holland    356

                           REBOUNDS                          #   Yr
Rico Griffin     558                      Rico Griffin     264   20
Rory Preiss      499                      Carter Williams  249   23
Carter Williams  490                      Jarred Rollins   220   18
Mario Aguilar    444                      Caleb Kreiger    218   13
Sean Nolan       368                      Sean Nolan       213   15
Tyler Williams   357                      Heath McDonough  211   17
Heath McDonough  338                      Rico Griffin     193   19
Trent MacRoberts 317                      Mario Aguilar    190   23
Griffen Williams 317                      Rory Preiss      189   16
Andrew Riali     296                      Eric Nelson      184   10

                          3 POINTERS                         #   Yr
Parker Mott      160                      Colton Winters    78   21
Andrew Riali     122                      Parker Mott       70   18
Mario Aguilar     93                      Parker Mott       69   19
Colton Winters    81                      Jacob Holland     65   23
Chris Green       77                      Andrew Riali      62   13
Jacob Ramirez     76                      Andrew Riali      60   14
Garrett Winters   71                      Sam Schimank      49   19
Jacob Holland     65                      Jacob Ramirez.    45   17
Sam Schimank      61                      Mario Aguilarr    44   23
Matt Magness      52                      Chris Green       41   11

                         FREE THROWS                         #   Yr
Parker Mott      205                      Christian Pena   109   10
Rory Preiss      154                      Parker Mott       97   18
Rico Griffin     142                      Parker Mott       87   19
Mario Aguilar    132                      Tyler Pauly       84   21
Tyler Pauly      124                      Patrick McAuliffe 82   20
Andrew Riali     121                      Rory Preiss       79   17
Matt Magness     120                      Andrew Riali      78   14
Tyler Williams   104                      Rico Griffin      73   20
Christian Pena   102                      Caleb Kreiger     72   13
Brandon Berger    90                      Mario Aguilar     70   23

                           ASSISTS                           #   Yr
Tyler Pauly      214                      Doug Hubnik      151   13
Mario Aguilar    188                      Tyler Pauly      118   21
Doug Hubnik      187                      Mario Aguilar     96   24
Rico Griffin     156                      Tyler Pauly       95   20
Matt Magness     136                      Tanner Jones      90   10
Parker Mott      123                      Zack Taliaferro   89   18
Jaxson Jeter     117                      Rico Griffin      86   20
Rory Preiss      113                      Matt Magness      81   11
Gerrit Wilkins   113                      Jaxson Jeter      79   23
Carter Williams  110                      Gerrit Wilkins    64   16

                            STEALS                           #   Yr
Parker Mott      169                      Parker Mott       84   19
Carter Williams  144                      Tanner Jones      76   10
Rico Griffin     124                      Parker Mott       58   18
Rory Preiss      123                      Carter Williams   57   24
Mario Aguilar    116                      Jaxson Jeter      56   23
Tyler Pauly       81                      Rico Griffin      54   20
Neal Whitehead    78                      Rico Griffin      52   19
Jaxson Jeter      76                      Sam Schimank      51   19
Tanner Jones      76                      Carter Williams   50   23
Skyler Tschoepe   69                      Christian Pena    49   10
Matt Magness      69

                            BLOCKS                           #   Yr
Tyler Williams    96                      Caleb Kreiger     59   13
Sean Nolan        85                      Sean Nolan        58   15
Carter Williams   78                      Tyler Williams    39   16
Peyton McMuller   60                      Peyton McMullen   34   21
Caleb Kreiger     59                      Trent MacRoberts  33   19
Trent MacRoberts  48                      Carter Williams   33   23
Neal Whitehead    47                      Carter Williams   32   24
Mario Aguilar     40                      Tyler Williams    32   17
Rory Preiss       35                      Neal Whitehead    31   11
Skyler Tscheope   29                      Eric Nelson       29   10
Eric Nelson       29

CL Hawks Clinch a 2nd Seed with Win Over Pleasanton, 42-24

Saturday, November 9th, 2024

Hawks have must win over Pleasanton garnering an extra cherry on top being placed as the 2nd seeded team. Go Hawks!


      Hawk Proud!

The ReSporter will be gone this Saturday watching the Texas Longhorns against Florida so the article will be posted late Saturday.

The Lake did clinch a 2nd seed when coupled with Fredericksburg being on the short end against Somerset. That Bulldog win resulted in a 3-way tie which had CL winning the tie breaker rules.

Taylor beat Austin Travis which places Travis as CL’s Bi-District opponent.

The Lake had some fireworks with James Garza finishing with 154 yards rushing while Carter Williams had another triple digit receiving yards finishing with 144 yards of real estate.

The Hawks first play was a 44 yard run for Garza and Williams’ highlight was a 70 yard catch and run. Another touchdown catch for Williams was on a last play covering 30 yards leaving no time on the clock.

This win also had Head Coach Sam Parker capturing his 100th victory for his career. Way to Go Coach and as always Go Hawks!

             1  2  3  4   Final
Canyon Lake 14 14  7  7   42
Pleasanton   3  7  7  7   24
Scoring Summary:
CL-James Garza 44 yard run (Jack Stracener kick), 8:30, 1st
PE-Eagles with a 23 yard field goal, 5:49, 1st
CL-Carter Williams 15 yard pass from Jace Wheeler (Stracener kick), 2:24, 1st
CL-Carter Williams 70 yard pass from Wheeler (Stracener kick), 7:50, 2nd
PE-Eagles 44 yard pass (pat good), 2:21, 2nd
CL-Williams 30 yard pass from Wheeler (Stracener kick), 0:00, 2nd
PE-Eagles 30 yard pass (pat good), 4:51, 3rd
CL-James Garza 2 yard run (Stracener kick), 1:14, 3rd
PE-Eagles 31 yard run (pat good), 9:51, 4th
CL-James Garza 1 yard run (Stracener kick), 7:56, 4th

Game Stats      Eagles     Hawks
Total Yards     381        399
First Downs     21         18
Rush/Yards      34/182     31/208
Comp/Att/Int    18/23/0    7/17/0
Passing Yards   199        191
Punts/Average   2/28.0     3/22.0
Fumbles/Lost    2//0       0/0
Penalties-Yards 7-65       4-35

Passing          Comp  Att  Pct  Yds  Int  TD
Jace Wheeler     7     17  .412  191   0   3

Rushing          Att  Yds   Ave   Lg  TD
James Garza      25   154   6.2   44   3
Harris Gilliam    3    31  15.5   19   0
Kaiden Lewis      3    18   6.0   13   0
Carter Williams   1     4   4.0    4   0
Totals           31   208   5.7   44   3

Receiving        No   Yds   Ave   Lg  TD
Carter Williams   5   144  28.8   70   3
Harris Gilliam    2    47  23.5   39   0
Totals            7   191  27.3   70   0

Hawk’s Start Softball with Win & Top-10 All-Time Players

Wednesday, February 14th, 2024

Aubrey Long is ready for another season as CL Hosts Tourney this week!  Let’s Go Hawks!
photo by Dan Reed Photography https://www.danreedphotography.com)


Hit Man says way to get rid of those Pests with a hit Lady Hawks!!

Canyon Lake’s Softball team got their season underway with a resounding win over Randolph, 18-0 and will be back in action on Thursday with a double header with the first game with Hyde at 2:00pm and then back to the diamond against McKinney North at 6:00pm. These will be played at the Hawk Nest.


CL Hawk Boys & Girls All-Time Basketball Update

Monday, January 15th, 2024

                    Logan Lewis & Ryan Alvarez have a lock-down defense in earlier game against Bandera.
(photo by Dan Reed Photography https://www.danreedphotography.com)


The Lake’s Boys & Girls Basketball are entering their final 2 to 3 weeks before
Their season comes to a close.


Volleyball Recap with Coach Villarreal & Season Stats

Monday, November 13th, 2023



The ReSporter had a chance to catch-up with Head Volleyball Coach Daniella Villarreal after her first year at the helm and she shared her thoughts on this season as well as the future.


CL Hawks Boy’s Basketball All-Time Career & Season Stats

Sunday, November 12th, 2023

                                                       Future Hawks wanting to make a future Top 10 Lists. Go Hawks!!


A shout out to all those Alumni Basketball Players that frequent this site (at least once a year) to see where they stand on these All-Time scenarios.

Hey Andrew Riali….The Hawk Nation hopes all the Alumni are doing well & way to Go Hawks!!
