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Baseball, Game Article | May 9, 2021

CL Hawk’s Reap Advantage of Being a First Seed Beating Apaches, 14-3

                    Griffen Williams getting, all of it, with his 5th home run this season.          (photo courtesy from Connie Singleton)


Canyon Lake has punched their ticket for an Area Round matchup against Needville after flexing their muscles in their clinching win over Gonzales, 14-3 to sweep their Bi-District series.

Signature Homes says, Way toGo Hawks!

There are benefits that happen when a team can win their district. For this series, it was receiving a 4th seeded team during a Bi-District round. The Lake, scored in every inning but one in those two games as CL’s winning streak reached 10 for one of many records set this season thus far.

“It’s important to get a lower seed because now the level of play will get higher,” Head Coach Victor Escamilla said in response in taking care of Gonzales. “When we have players coming off the bench then they will need to contribute one way or the other.”

That last comment was on how The Lake had a chance to get several players involved in these last two games.

On what happens next? “We get to practice and play to work on winning one run playoffs because that is the way we get to win tight games,” Coach Escamilla closed.

This game saw the Apache’s take their first and only lead of this two game set after scoring in the top of the first without a hit. The Lake had an error in this inning allowing that score on a wild pitch and lead, 1-0.

Canyon Lake opened their half of the first with a lead-off hit when Tyler Pauly opened the game with a single and an Apache error helped Pauly tying the score, 1-1.

Another one run second inning continued this drip….drip…drip…scoring pace when James LaLonde’s sacrifice fly scored courtesy runner Peyton McMullen after Tanner Schultz opened this inning drawing a walk.

    Go Hawks and Get More Hits!

It was McMullen’s 19th run this season as a courtesy player that has jettisoned him into the Top -10 for runs scored in a season.

That drip…drip…sequenced would have GHS calling for the services Gordan the Plumber while the Hawks scored 6 runs to open the game up as by sending 11 batters to the plate. Ty Sellers started this frame with a solo home-run that was crushed over the left-field alley.

On Seller’s thoughts as he saw the ball go over the fence, “I finally got a hit….I was very excited and this was a way that I decided to come out of my shell.”

Sellers was able to break out of that shell with a second chance during that same inning with a double.

“I was eager to get another hit and with it being an extra base hit is just the way I like doing it.”

On what Sellers’ thought are on their next opponent being Needville, “We will be ready!”

Tanner Sellers had a home run and double in one inning.

Sellers double later in that same inning gave hope that this season’s long slump might be slumbering, as this season continues.

Griffen Williams hit his 5th home run for the season in the next inning that was a two run shot and now has this Sophomore only needing one more to tie the most by a Hawk presently held by some old-timers back in those early years. (Travis Walker & Logan Felch finished their careers with 6 each)

This 10 game streak has not been against top echelon type of teams and this next round will be an eye opener for CL as Needville will bring a good resume to this Area round of games.

The Lake now has a 10-1 record at the Hawk Nest this season and this win was the 8th in a row. That last loss was against San Antonio Johnson who finished 2nd in their district and will be competing in the Area Round next.

Those tough games on this year’s schedule will hopefully pay dividends for Canyon Lake as the next teams become with more skins on their walls.

Reaping the rewards from being a first seed and taking a 4th seeded Gonzales Apache team to the woodshed by outscoring these Apaches, 27-4 and now will prepare for a Blue Jay.

Needville are those Blue Jays that did their part in sweeping Rockport-Fulton with a 22-9 record and a longer history than CL’s third year as a participant in the post-season realm.

History will continue to be etched into this year’s season for a Hawk team that continues to improve and sets standards for the future of Hawk Baseball.


                HAWKS by the NUMBERS:

  1 Average per game for a Hawk player that are hit by a pitch (hbp).
  3 The lowest seed CL had before this season.
  6 Players that have a home-run.
    Griffen Williams, Matthew McLain, Tyler Pauly,
    Tanner Schultz. Ty Sellers, Jeremy Greene
  8 Wins in district
  9 Players with a batting average over .300
    Chase Anderson, Matthew McLain, Tyler Pauly Tanner Schultz, Griffen Williams
    Brayden Welch, Hunter Anderson, James LaLonde, Gunnar Walker
 10 Home-Runs
 11 Wins at home.
 13 Wins on road.
 16 Sacrifice flys
 24 Wins for season.
 52 Doubles
 94 Hawk hits more than their opposition this year.
123 Wins all-time for the Hawks.

Way to Go Hawks!!


           1  2  3  4  5   R  H  E
Gonzales   1  0  0  1  1   3  6  4
CL Hawks   1  1  6  2  4  14 14  1

                    ab  r  h bi 2b hr bb so  misc
Tyler Pauly          3  2  2  0  0  0  1  0  sb
Hunter Anderson      2  2  2  0  0  0  1  0  sb
 pr Brayden Welch    1  1  1  1  0  0  0  0
Matthew McLain       3  1  1  2  0  0  0  0  sf
Griffen Williams     3  2  1  3  0  1  0  0  hbp
Tanner Schultz       1  0  1  1  0  0  1  0  sf
 pr Peyton McMullen  0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0
 ph Gunnar Walker    1  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  fc
Chase Anderson       4  0  2  2  1  0  0  0  fc
 pr Thomas Dorman    0  1  0  0  0  0  0  0
James LaLonde        2  1  1  2  0  0  0  0  sf
Jeremy Greene        2  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  roe
 ph Bade Holland     1  1  1  0  1  0  0  0
Ty Sellers           2  2  2  1  1  1  0  0  hbp
totals              25 14 14 12  3  2  3  0

pitching               ip  h  r er bb so  W  L
Tanner Schultz (7-4)  5.0  6  3  2  3  2  1  0