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CL Hawk Boys & Girls All-Time Basketball Update

                    Logan Lewis & Ryan Alvarez have a lock-down defense in earlier game against Bandera.
(photo by Dan Reed Photography https://www.danreedphotography.com)


The Lake’s Boys & Girls Basketball are entering their final 2 to 3 weeks before
Their season comes to a close.

                              Go Hawks!!

This year has seen a Boys team that has a chance of making their first playoff since a 2019 campaign with a 4th seeded participant and this week will finish the first round of district contests.

The Ladies start their final round of games and have just district win and will need a flawless rest of the season to realize a chance for making a post’season.

The ReSporter will now show where many of these two team’s players stand in those all-time charts for a season and year of games.

Sofia George and Mario Aguilar are both in their final Hawk stint and are close to topping at the top of these lists. In fact, they have already made the top of the heap with some of these lists.


                             HAWK LADIES
            SEASON                             CAREER
                            TOTAL POINTS
Sofia George      553   2nd   Heun 567   Sofia George    1207   2nd   Heun 1348 1st
Marley Christian  192  21st              Reece Coburn     626   6th
Marley Christian  377  17th
Mya Vorhis        311  23rd

                             FIELD GOALS
Sofia George      209   1st              Sofia George.    434   1st
Marley Christian   72  18th              Reece Coburn.    198   8th
Mya Vorhis         51  20th              Marley Christian 134  18th
                                         Mya Vorhis       112  24th

                           MADE FREE THROWS
Sofia George       85   4th              Sofia George     194   2nd   Heun   404 1st
Reece Coburn.      38  21st              Reece Coburn     134   7th
Marley Christian   64  19th
Mya Vorhis         49  22nd

                            3 POINT MAKES
Sofia George       50   3rd              Sofia George     145   1st
Reece Coburn       57   6th
Marley Christian   39  10th

Mya Vorhis        181  13th              Mya Vorhis       474.  7th
Lottie Chappell   102  25th              Sofia George     366  10th

Marley Christian   58  10th              Reece Coburn     116   7th
Sofia George       46  14th              Sofia George.    111   8th
                                         Marley Christian 104   9th
                                         Mya Vorhis        66  14th

Sofia George      111   1st              Sofia George     260   3rd
Mya Vorhis         80  11th              Mya Vorhis       178   7th
Marley Christian   63  21st              Reece Coburn     148  10th
                                         Marley Christian 111  15th

Mya Vorhis         37   7th              Mya Vorhis        87   3rd
Lottie Chappell    14  21st              Sofia George      44   8th

                            HAWK BOYS 
                           TOTAL POINTS
Mario Aguilar     333  10th              Mario Aguilar    772   3rd
Jacob Holland     261  17th              Carter Williams  451   8th
Jacob Holland     301  18th

                            FIELD GOALS
Mario Aguilar     111  11th
Jacob Holland.     92  19th

                            FREE THROWS
Mario Aguilar      68  10th              Mario Aguilar    128   4th
Carter Williams    63  15th

                          3 POINT MAKES
Jacob Holland      55   6th              Mario Aguilar     97   3rd
Mario Aguilar      43  10th              Jacob Holland     63   8th
                                         Jaxson Jeter      37  14th

Carter Williams   160  17th              Carter Williams  420   3rd
Mario Aguilar     157  20th              Mario Aguilar    407   4th

Mario Aguilar      81   7th              Mario Aguilar    176   3rd
Jaxson Jeter       96  10th
Carter Williams.   94  11th

Mario Aguilar      51   8th              Carter Williams  125   2nd
Harris Gilliam     41  18th              Mario Aguilar    113   5th
                                         Jaxson Jeter      68  11th

Carter Williams    29   9th              Carter Williams   60   3rd
Mario Aguilar      20  15th              Mario Aguilar     36   8th