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Player Profile, Track & Field | March 30, 2013

Graduate Todd Pippin to Enroll Back into CLHS, After Belcher Breaks Triple Jump Record

Another one of many personal bests happened at the Hawk Relays and there might be some disturbing

Senior Triple Jumper Branson Belcher

happenings that is causing many of these great finishes.

Senior Branson Belcher had a Canyon Lake Record Triple Jump at last Thursdays Meet.

Belcher soared over the 40 foot mark in the Triple Jump event and replaced Todd Pippin on that leader board.

Below was the Canyon Lake best Triple Jump finishes.

 Name                 Distance      Year     Meet       When       Grade
 Todd Pippin          38'9.25       2011     Blanco     March 1    Graduated
 Luke Curry           38'6          2012     Tiger      March 29   Junior
 Branson Belcher      38'4          2012     District   April 11   Senior

Looking at the numbers you can see that Belcher passed his best by over 2 feet and now Pippin has to come back to school to have another chance to have his name on the board. Belcher’s jump was 40’11 distance.

“Yesterday I was helping out at the Junior High Track Meet and I saw Pippin on the leader board and that was the only thing that motivated me,” Belcher said with bravado.

Now after doing a story on Mike Russell talking about ‘The Leader Board’ and Belcher being motivated by that same entity, you might think that Head Track Coach Cody Means might want to fudge on those times and distances to see if more people might try to excel in beating better results.

What was Belcher doing in order to have such a good result? “I really did not do much this week since we have had the Junior High Meet and really only one day of practice.”

OK, now we have had one athlete (Russell) at the Beach and Belcher really not having many days of preparation before the Hawk Relays.

It could be the home field advantage or maybe the best way to get the best results in not doing that much during the week.

The ReSporter does not think Coach Means will go for that, but these results are making a strong case based on this evidence.

Beach and seeing another Athlete on that Leader Board, “The only thing that motivated me,” was Belcher’s response.

Since this interview was conducted, Belcher held the best jump in District 27-3A. That was short lived as Navarro had a Triple Jumper that had a 42 foot jump that same day.

Let’s get Coach Means to get that name on the leader board and see how Belcher might respond in his next meet.

Here’s hoping for another record. Good Luck and throw a thank-you out to Pippin for the motivation.