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Archive for the ‘Girls Soccer’ Category


Sunday, February 7th, 2021

                                          Canyon Lake Hawks Line-up for a throw in earlier game with Wimberley.



                What's Happening   @     Hawkville This Week

 Mon. Feb  8    Blanco JV          @     CL Hawks JV              4:30p       Softball
                Bandera JV         @     CL Hawks JV              5:00p Girls Basketball
                Hondo JV           @     CL Hawks Green           5:00p       Baseball 
                Blanco             @     CL Hawks                 5:45p       Softball
                Bandera            @     CL Hawks                 6:15p Girls Basketball
                Hondo              @     CL Hawks                 7:00p       Baseball

Tue. Feb  9.    CL Hawks JV        @     San Marcos JV                        Tennis
                Wimberley JV       @     CL Hawks JV              5:00p Boys  Soccer
                CL Hawks JV        @     Wimberley JV             5:00p Girls Soccer       
                Wimberley Fresh    @     CL Hawks Fresh           5:00p Boys  Basketball
                Wimberley JV       @     CL Hawks JV              5:00p Boys  Basketball
                Wimberley          @     CL Hawks                 6:30p Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks           @     Wimberley                7:00p Girls Soccer
                Wimberley          @     CL Hawks                 7:00p Boys  Soccer

Thu. Feb 11.    CL Hawks Varsity   @     Navarro                              Tennis

Fri. Feb 12     CL Hawks JV        @     Fredericksburg JV        Noon  Girls Soccer
                CL Hawks           @     Fredericksburg.          2:00p Girls Soccer
                Fredericksburg JV  @     CL Hawks JV              5:00p Boys  Soccer
                CL Hawks Freshman  @     Fredericksburg Freshman  5:00p Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks JV        @     CL Hawks JV              5:00p Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks           @     Cornerstone              6:00p       Softball
                CL Hawks           @     Fredericksburg           6:30p Boys  Basketball                        CL Hawks           @     Fredericksburg           7:00p Boys  Soccer

Sat. Feb 13     Seguin JV          @     CL Hawks Gold           10:00a       Baseball
                CL Hawks Green     @     Lampasas JV             10:00a       Baseball
                CL Hawks           @     Lampasas                12:30p       Baseball



Girl’s Soccer: Coaches Corner & District 26-4A Standings

Thursday, February 4th, 2021

                CL Hawk’s Defense would Shut-Out Floresville in Statement game earlier this year.



The surprised Hawk team for this year has to be the Ladies Soccer crew. They sport a 12-3 record entering district play next week.


THIS WEEK @ CANYON LAKE February 2nd-6th

Sunday, January 31st, 2021

Lady Hawks Take Week off as they prepare for District. Picture was after Pleasanton Tourney in early January.

                 THIS WEEK          @      CANYON LAKE          February 2nd-6th

Tue, Feb 2nd     CL Hawks Freshman  @      Bandera Fresh        5:00p Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks JV        @      Bandera JV           5:00p Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks JV        @      Austin Anderson JV   5:30p       Softball
                 CL Hawks           @      Bandera              6:30p Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks           @      Austin Anderson      7:00p       Softball

Fri. Feb 5th     Navarro/Burnet     @      CL Hawks             8:30a       Tennis
                 CL Hawks JV        @      Davenport JV         5:00p Girls Basketball
                 Davenport Freshman @      CL Hawks Fresh       5:00p Boys  Basketball
                 Davenport JV       @      CL Hawks JV          5:00p Boys  Basketball
                 Smithville JV      @      CL Hawks JV          5:00p       Softball
                 CL Hawks           @      Davenport            6:15p Girls Basketball
                 Smithville         @      CL Hawks             6:30p       Softball
                 Davenport          @      CL Hawks             6:30p Boys  Basketball

Sat. Feb 6th     CL Hawks           @      Cuero                Noon        Baskeball




Sunday, January 24th, 2021

        Girl’s Soccer is presently enjoying best start in several years with team picture after Pleasanton Tournament!

                       THIS WEEK   @   CANYON LAKE            January 26-January 29

Tue. Jan 26     CL Hawks JV        @   Pleasanton JV          5:00 Boys  Soccer
                Freddie Freshman   @   CL Hawks Freshman      5:00 Boys  Basketball
                Freddie JV         @   CL Hawks JV            5:00 Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks JV        @   Freddie JV             5:00 Girls Basketball
                CL Hawks           @   Freddie                5:15 Girls Basketball
                Freddie            @   CL Hawks               6:30 Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks           @   Pleasanton             7:00 Boys  Soccer

Fri. Jan 29     Gonzales JV        @   CL Hawks JV            5:00 Boys  Soccer
                CL Hawks JV        @   Boerne                 5:00 Girls Basketball
                Boerne Freshman    @   CL Hawks Freshman      5:15 Boys  Basketball
                Boerne JV          @   CL Hawks JV            5:15 Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks           @   Boerne                 6:15 Girls Basketball
                Boerne             @   CL Hawks               6:30 Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks           @   Gonzales               7:00 Girls Soccer
                Gonzales           @   CL Hawks               7:00 Boys  Soccer

Sat. Jan 30     CL Hawks           @   Wimberley             11:00 Boys  Basketball   



CL Hawks Finish, 3-1 in Tuesday Games. Basketball, 2-0. Soccer, 1-1

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

                                Katy Taliaferro feeds an assist to Kaitlyn Cox in win over Davenport, 24-23.



The Hawks had one of their more successful days of competition this year with a double-header win for the Boys & Girls Basketball teams and the Hawks Soccer teams split their games.


CL Hawks Ladies Shut-out Floresville, 2-0 Katy Tourney is Next

Wednesday, January 13th, 2021

                                 A cold night turned warmer after a Hawk, 2-0 win over Floresville.

Canyon Lake Lady Soccer (6-2) corralled their 6th win of the season after a shut-out victory over 5A Floresville in non-district action at the Hawk Nest, 2-0.



Sunday, January 10th, 2021

                                                   Canyon Lake Hawk’s Basketball prepares for start of District this week.

                 THIS WEEK        @    CANYON LAKE            January 12-16

  Tue Jan 12     Boerne JV        @    CL Hawks JV            5:00p Girls Basketball
                 CL Hawks Fresh   @    Boerne Freshman        5:00p Boys  Basketball
                 Floresville      @    CL Hawks               5:00p Girls Soccer
                 CL Hawks JV      @    Boerne JV              6:15p Boys  Basketball
                 Boerne           @    CL Hawks               6:15p Girls Basketball
                 CL Hawks         @    Boerne                 7:30p Boys  Basketball

  Thu Jan 14     SA Cole          @    CL Hawks               Noon  Boys  Soccer
                                       Canyon Lake Soccer Tournament
                 Bandera Fresh    @    CL Hawks Freshman      5:00p Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks JV      @    Bandera JV             5:00p Girls Basketball
                 Bandera JV       @    CL Hawks JV            5:00p Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks         @    Bandera                6:15p Girls Basketball
                 Bandera          @    CL Hawks               6:30p Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks         @    Katy Tournament        TBD   Girls Soccer

  Fri Jan 15     Bandera/Burnet   @    CL Hawks               Noon or 4pm Soccer
                                       Canyon Lake Soccer Tournament
                 CL Hawks         @    Katy Tournament        TBD   Girls Soccer          
  Sat Jan 16     CL Hawks         @    CL Lake Soccer Tourney TBD   Boys  Soccer
                 CL Hawks         @    Katy Tournament        TBD   Girls Soccer


             Way to Go Hawks!!

This is the time of year when several more sports start to take center stage with the final act requiring many actors that will need recognition and reported on.

The ReSporter will have this venue for the Hawk Nation to keep up with who/what/where and then a recap of the previous week.

Both Basketball teams will be in District 28-4A play for the remainder of their schedules while the Girls and Boys Soccer teams gear up with pre-district battles.

Both Soccer teams have started off strong with the Ladies sporting a 4-1 record and CL’s Boys presently having a 2-0-1 record.

The Lady Hawk’s participated in the Pleasanton tournament and will continue this week going to Katy Texas for their tourney.

CL Lady Hawks started this season with a win over Marble Falls last week beating the Mustangs, 5-1.

                    Go Hawks!!

“This was a big win for the girls as this was a 5A opponent,” Head Coach Kara Stracener said. “This was the first time in three years that we have scored more than 3 goals on an opponent. I hope that this is a sign of us scoring more goals this season than we have in a long time. We lost 5 Seniors last year, so we have many returning players, however many of them are filling in different roles this year.”

Coach Stracener continued by talking bout how tough CL’s district is, “We have a difficult district with TASCO ranking 6 out of the 6 teams in our district in the top ten for our Region. January will be very important for us to continue to stay healthy, put in the work and get better each game as we build towards District play starting in February.”

Maddie Pipkin scored 2 goals in the win over Marble Falls while Gabi Pace, Karleigh Schedlbauer and Claire Schroeder each had one goal against the Mustangs.

CL’s Boys just missed a win over San Antonio Christian who scored a tying goal with nine minutes remaining.

The Lake’s Boys Soccer will Host the Tournament this week in hopes to advance to the Championship game on Saturday at 3:00pm.

                   Hawk Proud

Basketball has fallen on some trying times as both teams sport a lot of youth while the boys started working on a new offense this season that has had it’s up and downs.

The Lady Hawk’s first week of District play started with two losses and the Boys suffered a loss in Blanco on Friday and will open this week in Boerne and will welcome Bandera on Thursday.

As this month continues look for more Hawk sports on this site open play in hopes of making post-season plans.

Let’s Go Hawks!!

THIS WEEK @ CANYON LAKE February 17th-22nd

Sunday, February 16th, 2020

                         CL’s Boys Basketball look to continue their season this week with a win in Wimberley.

                THIS WEEK      @     CANYON LAKE

Mon Feb. 17th   CL Hawks JV    @     Burnet JV           430p       Baseball
                CL Hawks       @     Burnet              700p       Baseball

Tue Feb. 18th   CL Hawks       @     Bandera             800a Girls Golf
                CL Hawks Fresh @     Wimberley Freshman  500p Boys  Basetball
                CL Hawks JV    @     Wimberley JV        500p Boys  Basketball
                CL Hawks JV    @     Wimberley JV        500p Girls Soccer
                Wimberley JV   @     CL Hawks JV         500p Boys  Soccer
                CL Hawks       @     Wimberley           630p Boys  Basketball
                Wimberley      @     CL Hawks            700p Boys  Soccer
                CL Hawks       @     Wimberley           700p Girls Soccer
                CL Hawks       vs.   Liberty Hill        800p Girls Basketball
                Bi-District    @     Johnson City

Wed Feb. 19th   CL Hawks       @     Bandera             800a Boys  Golf

Thu Feb. 20th   CL Hawks       vs.   Del Valle          1000a       Softball
                CL Hawks       vs.   Lake Travis        1200n       Softball
                                     Canyon/Steele Tournament

Fri Feb. 21st   CL Hawks       @     San Marcos          800a       Tennis
                CL Hawks       vs.   Lockhart           1200n       Softball
                CL Hawks       vs.   Seguin              400p       Softball
                CL Hawks       @     Lockhart            500p       Baseball
                Bandera JV     @     CL Hawks            500p Girls Soccer
                CL Hawks JV    @     Bandera JV          500p Boys  Soccer
                CL Hawks       @     Lockhart            700p       Baseball
                Bandera        @     CL Hawks            700p Girls Soccer
                CL Hawks       @     Bandera             700p Boys  Soccer

Sat Feb. 22nd   CANYON LAKE RELAYS                       830a Track & Field
                CL Hawks       vs.   New Braunfels       200p       Softball
                CL Hawks       vs.   Steele              600p       Softball




Monday, February 10th, 2020

CL Boy’s Soccer at the Final Four Last Year Receiving awards, will start their district this week!     (photo by Karen Holmes)

                 THIS WEEK        @     CANYON LAKE             February 10th-14th

Mon Feb. 10th    CL Hawks         @     Llano                   800a Girls Golf
                 CL Hawks         @     Blanco                  500p       Softball
                 CL Hawks JV      @     Hondo JV                430p       Baseball
                 CL Hawks         @     Hondo                   630p       Baseball

Tue Feb. 11th    CL Hawks         @     San Marcos              800a       Tennis
                 Boerne           @     CL Hawks                500p Girls Soccer
                 CL Hawks         @     Boerne                  500p Boys  Soccer
                 Llano Freshman   @     CL Hawks Freshman       500p Boys  Basketball
                 Llano JV         @     CL Hawks JV             500p Boys  Basketball
                 CL Hawks Fresh   @     Llano Freshman          500p Girls Basketball
                 CL Hawks JV      @     Llano JV                500p Girls Basketball
                 CL Hawks         @     Llano                   615p Girls Basketball
                 Llano            @     CL Hawks                630p Boys  Basketball
                 Boerne           @     CL Hawks                700p Girls Soccer 
                 CL Hawks         @     Boerne                  700p Boys  Soccer

Thu Feb. 13th    CL Hawks         @     Llano                   800a Boys  Golf
                 CL Hawks         @     Wimberley TBA Track & Field Relays Only

Fri Feb 14th     Billies Fresh    @     CL Hawks Freshman       500p Boys  Basketball
                 Billies JV       @     CL Hawks JV             500p Boys  Basketball
                 Lampasas JV      @     CL Hawks JV             500p       Baseball
                 Billies          @     CL Hawks                630p Boys  Basketball
                 Lampasas         @     CL Hawks                700p       Baseball
                 CL Hawks         @     Who Knows Where         700p Girls Basketball



THIS WEEK @ CANYON LAKE January 27th-31st

Sunday, January 26th, 2020

              THIS WEEK      @    CANYON LAKE      January 27th-January 31st

Tue Jan 27th  CL Hawks       @    SA Christian         500p Girls Soccer
              CL Hawks Fresh @    Billies Freshman     500p Boys  Basketball
              CL Hawks JV    @    Billies JV           500p Boys  Basketball
              Billies Fresh  @    CL Hawks Freshman    500p Girls Basketball
              Billies JV     @    CL Hawks JV          500p Girls Basketball
              Fredericksburg @    CL Hawks             615p Girls Basketball
              CL Hawks       @    Fredericksburg       630p Boys  Basketball
              CL Hawks       @    SA Christian         700p Boys  Basketball

Fri Jan 31st  CL Hawks       @    San Marcos           800a       Tennis
              CL Hawks JV    @    Kerrville Tivy JV    500p Girls Soccer
              CL Hawks Fresh @    Wimberley Freshman   500p Girls Basketball
              CL Hawks JV    @    Wimberley JV         500p Girls Basketball
              Wimberley Fr   @    CL Hawks Freshman    500p Boys  Basketball
              Wimberley JV   @    CL Hawks JV          500p Boys  Basketball
              CL Hawks       @    Wimberley            615p Girls Basketball
              Wimberley      @    CL Hawks             630p Boys  Basketball
              CL Hawks       @    Kerrville Tivy       700p Girls Soccer
              Pleasanton     @    CL Hawks             700p Boys  Soccer

